
Role of the school council
Victorian College for the Deaf school council make decisions that set the direction of the school. They:
– help create and check the school’s budget
– contribute to the school strategic plan
– make decisions on policies like investments, payments by parents, dress code.

School councils usually have between six and 15 members and include:
– the principal, who is the executive officer
– parents who are chosen through an election
– a school or Department staff member
– a student, if the school has year 7 students and above.
– Some councils also have community members who are chosen by the council. These members have special knowledge or experience in the local community.

Becoming a school council member
Being a school council member means taking part in shaping the future of the school. You will need to attend meetings and may need to develop new skills.

In most cases you need to be elected to become a council member. Elections happen by March each year and all parents and guardians from the school can vote.

If you’re elected, you can choose to be a council member for one or two years.

The process is:
– The principal will announce an election in late February or early March. They will provide a form or other way to nominate.
– Complete the form or reply to the principal by the deadline.
– If there are more nominations than vacant positions, a vote will happen.
– The principal will run the vote and announce the outcome.

Meeting dates 2024

2024 meeting dates for Victorian College for the Deaf school council are as follows:

23 April – first meeting of the new School Council. 

Term 2

14 May

11 June

Term 3

20 August

17 September

Term 4

22 October

17 December