Speech Therapy

The college employs a qualified Speech Pathologist.  Our practitioner is embedded in our literacy classes across the college targeting the necessary skills and knowledge our students need to become literate, critical thinkers.

Speech and listening skills, in partnership with families, is also a priority of the college for identified students in our Primary F-2 program.  Therapy is available for our secondary students by way of expression of interest from families.


VCD engages a visiting Audiologist from Hearing Australia to provide routine services and maintenance for our students’ hearing devices. This enables students to maintain their hearing health with minimal disruption to learning time. 

Social and Emotional Support for Learning

Our teachers and wellbeing professionals work with students to ensure that they feel safe, engaged and empowered to learn at school. Where students need individualised mental health support our wellbeing team may organise referrals to appropriate specialised counselling services. Please be in touch with our VCD wellbeing team for more information about social and emotional support for students.

Student Wellbeing: Support and Counselling 

Our wellbeing team is led by a qualified social worker, who specializes in positive family relationships work and student wellbeing counselling.  Our youth counsellor is available to support students with issues such as learning engagement, emotional wellbeing and navigating relationship and learning challenges.

Careers and Pathways

Our dedicated Pathways Coordinator works with students across the college to map out tertiary pathways and career options beyond their VCD schooling. They also work with families to develop at-home goals to assist students with their independent living skills and employment options.

Family Wellbeing and Engagement  

VCD recognises that the best wellbeing and academic results are achieved through strong family partnerships.  We understand the parent has a primary role as the child’s first teacher, and work with all families to support their children’s learning. VCD’s Family Engagement Leader reaches out to all families with information and support about raising and educating deaf children. To learn more about the support for parents/carers, visit our Family Support Services page.

NDIS Support

The NDIS system can be confusing and overwhelming to navigate. Our wellbeing team are committed to ensuring all students have access to the necessary supports, in order for them to thrive both in and out of the schooling environment. The wellbeing team can support families to navigate the NDIS process, and can provide information about applying for the NDIS, creating a plan, and reviewing the plan and goals.